Profile PictureCoach Raj


Counting calories is wrong. 

You hate it, the girl you're chasing thinks it's lame, your mom doesn't understand it.

This is why you should say FUCK counting calories and achieve a superman physique  instead.

The FCC system is the answer to man boobs, beer belly's and your deepest insecurities.

I use to be the guy who would track everything he ate.

I would weigh out everything I ate on my food scale and bring my pre prepped meals everywhere I went.

My friends and I would only eat at restaurants that had their calories listed, I viewed food as a number and my relationship with food was horrible.

I went through all of this just to hate what I saw in the mirror.

I had no clue why I wasn't seeing results.

My confidence was diminishing by the day. 

Then I realised.

What is the point of this? There has to be a better way.

After years of trying every diet you can imagine, I was able to figure out what all successful diets had in common.

It had nothing to do with counting calories. 

With the FCC system, I am able to build muscle and lose fat on command to feel at my best and tackle whatever goal I set my mind to. 

I am able to perform better, feel better and look better without tracking a single calorie.

You deserve to experience this too.

My help my clients make great progress without tracking a single calorie by using the FCC system!

See what they have to say.

I have condensed the knowledge from 7+ years of training and trying every diet you can thinking of into 1 STACKED ebook.

Why suffer through your diet and worry about tracking every single calorie just to be frustrated with your results. 

When with half the effort you could get absolutely JACKED.

What to expect:

1. Stress free diet

2. The Effortless Cardio Protocol

3. Template for Unlimited Accountability 

4. Guaranteed Progress Tracker

5. Hunger Free Formula

6. Mindset of a Winner

7. Grocery List for Simplified Fat Loss

And much more, all in one ebook! 

Click "I want this" to unlock your dream physique without the tedious process of tracking everything you eat!

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The ultimate resource for intuitive eating for fat loss and healthy living!

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23 pages
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